Vocal Coaching

Vocal Coaching 


Podcasting is an amazing way to get your word out and add to the content and knowledge base in your industry.

Perhaps you’ve been daunted by the prospect of facing a mic and speaking; or maybe you’ve already gotten your feet wet by actually voicing a few episodes — and you’re just not happy with your vocal quality or how you’re coming across.

Part of the charm of Podcasting is the non-polished nature of the speakers; they are industry experts talking about what they know best. But it should be emphasized: podcasts don’t need to be voiced by a voice-over pro; but they do need to listenable and engaging.

Allison Smith can coach you to make you more comfortable and at ease in front of the mic; you will learn to view the mic as a necessary conduit for your ideas instead of a threat. Through various exercises and one-on-one coaching, Allison can vastly improve your confidence in the “vocalscape” you’re creating in your podcasts; increasing the effectiveness of your message, and gaining — and retaining — podcasting subscribers.

Rates for podcasting coaching vary according to need and amount of coaching required. Allison recommends an initial one-hour fact-gathering consultation, another hour-long session where basic speech theories and fundamental exercises are implemented, and a third session, where Allison oversees and directs an actual recording of your podcast, using a stop-and-start strategy to fine tune and correct real-time. A three hour investment; $225 cost. Included would also be a follow-up evaluation of the podcast a few months later, to track progress. Hours can be added if needed, at a reduced cost. Coaching can be done in person (in the Calgary, Alberta area) or by video link.

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Public Speaking

Few things invoke as much fear as getting up in front of a crowd and speaking.

Whether you’ve been scheduled to speak at a conference, or just enlisted to address a group in a boardroom, the dynamic is the same: all eyes are on you. And that’s a lot of pressure.

Allison Smith overcame her own anxiety about public speaking — and now actively seeks out speaking engagements at technology conferences worldwide. In her one-on-one coaching, Allison addresses the very real effects that nerves have on a speaker; nothing circumvents otherwise effective speaking than nervousness and fear, and Allison can guide you though some simple steps and exercises which will put you in a calm, comfortable mindset and allow you to focus on the material and message, instead of how you’re coming across to the audience.

Coaching starts with an initial one-hour evaluation of your goals and a discussion of your current obstacles in public speaking. Allison then gives an hour of theory and practical vocal and breathing exercises. The third appointment is all about getting your presentation on its feet: Allison will coach and direct you through your own material, stopping and starting and guiding you towards a smooth, solid, confident delivery. Coaching can be done live (in the Calgary, Alberta area) or via video link. Cost: $225.

Thinking about a general workshop in speaking effectively for your entire staff? Allison provides group coaching on public speaking, either in person or by video link. Price varies according to number of attendees.

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