Your company is unique. You do things differently than others in your industry. And if the past two years have shown us anything: you have resilience and strength – that’s why you’re still here.
Your phone system should tell your callers everything they need to know about you and your company. It sets the tone, it greets them, and it can sometimes make the difference between a repeat customer and a one-off. All too often, the focus is placed on what a company’s online essence looks like; does the website send the right message? Are we aligned with the right people on LinkedIn? Does our YouTube content attract attention?
All important factors to attend to, but what about your phone system? Is it sending the right message about you?
Having an up-to-date, current-sounding phone presence is still necessary, even in an online world. In fact, it could be argued that your phone system is as pertinent to your company’s image as any other modes of contact through which customers reach you.
So, what can you do to give your phone system an edge? What tools can you use to be an IVR Pro?
Commend Callers On Their Astute Choice
They’ve called you instead of your competition. That’s huge! Without running down your competition, you can bolster the caller’s choice to look into your business, you can praise them for being discerning, and you can promise to do everything you can to make sure they stay customers. Welcome them in, and prepare for them to stay.
Show Them Why You’re Different
Reinforce why you’re the company they should go with. Through on-hold messaging, reiterate how long you’ve been in the industry, how you do things differently, and even why you’ve survived this unprecedented difficult time in the global business scape by still being here – and thriving.
This is Only The Beginning!
Presume that this is the beginning of an on-going relationship with the customer. By offering incentives for future orders, free delivery, gold-level service, and good continuity with your CRM which enables you to revisit past interaction with the customer and following up on previous issues, this sets the stage for on-going legacy business from the caller. From their point of view: they already have a history with your company; they want continuity and stability rather than moving their business elsewhere.
Your callers deserve to feel valued, rather just a number in a queue. This caller/company relationship is valuable and precious; these suggestions will assist in building and keeping that all-important customer.