
Interactive Voice Response Demos

IVR Demo: Allison’s range is highlighted in a montage of prompts from some of the biggest telephony platforms globally. But don’t worry: no company is too small for Allison to lend her voice to. From all-business and straightforward, to causal, friendly, and funny – Allison can make your IVR what ever you want it to be.

On Hold Demo: On hold systems can be pure purgatory if not handled well. Allison’s on hold systems entertain, educate, and pass the time while on hold in a relaxing, informative way. On hold systems don’t need to be torturous – Allison will captivate your callers with memorable, on-point on hold systems.

Medical Narration: Complicated terminology, dry, technical phrasing, and imparting compassion to those facing medical issues; Allison has tackled it all. Medical IVR and educational narrations require an ease and a reassuring tone; Allison can give you that and more.

E-Learning: Online courses require a voice which captivates and retains the student’s interest. Allison’s e-learning montage illustrates her easy, listenable style while keeping students on track and motivated.

Commercial Demo: Spotlighting some of Allison’s best broadcast work, this demo shows a range of emotions and levels of “sell” that ensures that Allison can give your product the spotlight and distinctiveness it deserves.

Hotel Demo: Hotel Guests rely on capable, friendly virtual concierge services which reflect the hotel’s brand and take care of their guests. Let Allison’s reassuring, calm tones bridge the gap between the guest and live service.

GPS Demo: The voice that guides but isn’t intrusive; instructs in a diplomatic, calm tone – that’s Allison.

Airline Reservation Demo: It’s a turnkey world, and passengers need immediate information and intuitive self-service prompts. Allison’s efficient and friendly prompts ensure that reservation bookings and changes happen with minimal disruption.

Banking Demo: Your banking platform needs a voice that’s efficient but friendly; businesslike but not stuffy – Allison provides the perfect hybrid between all-business and accessible.

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