I had an experience recently which may make me into a phone consumer instead of a website-surfer.
While calling an appliance company to find out where my pasta attachment I ordered was, I was shocked to find out that I was getting a better price on my pasta attachment – and free delivery – simply because I *called* the appliance company, as opposed to interacting with the company online.
When I called in, the agent explained that the attachment I was after was backordered – something the website didn’t/wouldn’t say – and that she could manually back me out of the original order and place me at the front of the line *and* give me a better price – all because I called in. In conspiratorial tones, she said (in a swell southern drawl): “Always call us. It’s always a better price on the phone.”
I felt a little like Dwight on The Office, battling the Dunder Mifflin website for sales supremacy; my inclination, like most other people is to arrive at a turnkey solution online, without any human interaction.
Turns out that sometimes there are actual, tangible benefits to handing the issue over to someone else who has inside knowledge and their own discretion – something a website cannot provide.
So how can IVRs, Call Center prompts, and astute live agent interactions act as “White Glove” service, and impart gratitude and rewards to the caller for the act of calling in?
Tell Them You’re Glad They Called
I remind IVR designers that callers to a company have already been to the website, and their issue is either too specific or problematic to find on the FAQs. There’s a good chance that they are upset and/or irritated. This is a golden opportunity for experienced agents to do some mitigation of the issue, some damage control, and to personally ensure that the caller remains a customer – things a self-serve website can’t do. Express to the callers your gratitude for allowing you to give them personalized service.
Live Agents Might Be a Habit They’ve Gotten Out Of
Not unlike the pleasant (but jarring) experience of finding out that things were going to turn out better for me because I took the time to call in, many callers are out of practice in dealing with a live agent, and may need to be re-acquainted with this one-on-one interaction. Again: your opportunity to shine, and to create a rapport with a caller that has the potential to create loyalty and repeat business.
Offer caller Perks
My cheaper price, move up the queue, and free shipping on my pasta attachment were tangible benefits I was offered for calling in. Agents can also offer a discount for the next time the caller places a call to them, they can use a CRM system which would allow future agents to see the previous history of the caller, and therefore building rapport: (“How did that flawless lipstick and lip liner work out last time…?”), and reiterate to the customer that you’re grateful for their business *and* that they took the time to call.
During this tenuous time in our history, human interaction is needed and should be cultivated. Something as simple as conversing with a live agent can foster huge feelings of connections and contentment in your customers.
The Ultimate Disconnect: Your Brand Clashing With Your Outdate IVR