Your phone system – which is the first thing that your customers encounter – is an extremely important part of your company’s identity. It could be argued: as important as your company’s website.
And just like your website, your phone system needs to be checked and re-checked regularly to ensure that it’s still sending the right message.
That everything still functions as it should.
That everything’s still current and relevant.
Nothing turns a caller off more than hearing outdated seasonal information, out of office messages which are past, or extensions which go nowhere.
I encounter – in my work as a telephone voice talent – plenty of clients who dread making any changes to their system out of a perception that it’s labor-intensive, complicated, or will be a huge drain on their time.
I assure them it’s none of those things.
When they have a voice talent on call – as I am – changes are fast, inexpensive, and definitely not labor-intensive.
What is does require is a little bit of listening, a bit of dedication, and a bit of honesty.
Here’s how:
Make a Recurring Technology Date
How about setting some time aside once a quarter with your telephony/IT staff and give your phone system a listen? You’ll be amazed at the inaccuracies you’ll find. From extensions which no longer go anywhere (which can be fatal for business), to staffers who are long gone, or services no longer offered (I wrote previously about an insurance agency rep who said – when we were reviewing their current system; “Oh, we don’t even offer those services anymore!”) Vow to take a look at your current system on a quarterly basis and catch any dead ends before your customers do.
Is This an Accurate Snapshot of Us?
A gear-change within a company – due to growth (or downsizing); a shift in focus, and even rebuilding after the pandemic, can necessitate a revision of the company’s messaging and necessitate a re-evaluation of just what your phone system offers. Make sure each extension supports an actual product or feature within your company (and that someone’s actually there to take the call!) and depicts an accurate “snapshot” of your company.
Ask Yourself; Is This What I Would Want to Hear?
It’s easy to get into a mindset of thinking that if you simply supply options for callers to choose from, they will select the right person for service, but IVR is capable of doing so much more – such as establishing and reinforcing your company’s brand. The actual *sound* of the prompts – how welcoming they are, how directly they greet your callers, and well they connect with your customers – is key to designing in maintaining a workable system. If you, as a caller, would be bored, underwhelmed, or confused by an IVR system, then the rest of your callers will be, too.
As much as we would like to write a single, one-off IVR script, record it once, and forget about it, that’s not realistic in a fast-changing corporate landscape. The more you’re in tune with your phone prompt messaging, and the minute you realize that changes are easy to implement, the better and more accurate your phone system will be.